A transformative experince to explore your subconscious

Kundalini Breathwork

A traditional form of healing through somatic embodiment and Pranayama. Kundalini Breathwork uses yogic breathing to reach altered states of consciousness which promotes your body’s natural healing intelligence to support you in addressing parts of your life story that need healing and peace. Pranayama Breathwork has been used in ancient India for thousands of years as a modaility to support healing and personal growth.

There are now many modern/western approaches to breathwork, but Chandni teaches a traditional practice in alignment to her culture and heritage.

Chandni also incorporates sound healing to provide stress reduction, improvement to sleep, and nervous system regulation. It works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system which is the opposite of the fight/flight response associated to stress and anxiety. It lowers blood pressure, cortisol release and puts us in a relaxed state.

This is an ancient healing practice that has been used for thousands of years to realign the mind & body’s vibrational frequency using energy healing teachniques, breath, sound, and meditation.

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